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Thursday 30 October 2008

PyFolder: easy access to your Python scripts

PyFolder for Python on Symbian mobile phones
Some Python applications come as .sis installers with an icon that you can put anywhere you like in your Symbian menu.

But some Python scripts require a trip to the Python program and the "run script" menu option.

PyFolder gives you a faster, easier way to launch those Python scripts by making a virtual folder with Python script icons. It also lets you set any .jpg file you like as icon for any Python script.

If you have lots of Python scripts that you run often, PyFolder is a must have application on your phone, even though its animated background is a bit annoying.

Needless to say, you need to have Python installed to use PyFolder.


Nokia's Python page
Python on SourceForge
Signed Python on Symbian Freak

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