Nokia Ovi Suite 2.0 is still in beta testing, but the people at Nokia Beta Labs believe it's almost ready to turn loose.
Nokia Ovi Suite combines the functions of Nokia PC Suite, Map Loader, and Nokia Software Updater. Unfortunately the program still runs like quicksand, and Nokia apparently has no plans to release lightweight standalone programs for simple tasks like using your phone as a modem or moving files from your PC to your phone and vice versa. If you use a netbook or other mini computer without the system resources of a fully equipped desktop machine you'll find Nokia Ovi Suite close to useless.
It's unlikely that Nokia will make a Linux version of Ovi Suite, and it doesn't work under WINE either. Nobody knows if and when Mac support will be added. Nokia believes that everybody mails with Outlook, and keeps ignoring you if you use programs like Lotus Notes or Mozilla Thunderbird.
• the new Nokia Ovi Suite UPDATE: This link is dead. And so is Symbian.
• the old Nokia PC Suite UPDATE: This link is dead. And so is Symbian.
• trick to make Nokia PC Suite let you into the system folders of your phone memory
Alternatives for Ovi Suite or PC Suite:
• Linux programs with a little bit of PC Suite functionality
• DAO4Sync, a lightweight computer-to-phone-and-back synchronisation tool
• download maps for Nokia Maps with just a web browser
• backup options for hacked phones: access points, bluetooth devices, bookmarks, calendar, cookies, messages, notes, profiles, and T9 dictionary
• ActiveFile backs up and restores SMS messages much better than PC Suite
• Contacts Transfer backs up, restores, and transfers contacts including pictures and caller groups
Tried 2.0 a week or so ago and had it installed for no more than 5 minutes. There is absolutely no way I'm running an application that uses up to 500MB of RAM only to install a simple theme on my phone, for eample. Every single developer, that is involved in Nokia Ovi Suite, should be fired instantly!
Well, I like the simplified and nice-looking interface, and the fact that they are trying to unify all of their various services together. I want my phone synced to my laptop and Ovi/Gmail/etc so that no matter what I can access my stuff.
But, as noted, it runs like crap, takes up a HUGE amount of memory all the time, and I'm pretty sure I've tried all of the betas and not one of them will sync with Outlook properly.
No thanks, I'll pass, at least for now.
Yes it's a shame that Nokia has its collective head up its ass re Thunderbir, Linux, Mac or anything else that isn't MS. Still they do make good phones. Shame about the OVI and PC suite. I stuck with version 6.86 as it does all I need on my N85.
Incidentally, copying files to the supplementary card is simple. Just connect the phone as an external disc and drag'n'drop. Works a treat in any OS.
Take a look at Bloove.com
It's web based phone management and backup service. I'm interested in your opinion.
Thank you,
The free version is too limited to be useful, so bloove is beyond the scope of this blog.
>The free version is too limited
I can't agree, imho it's enough for every day tasks.
The most important things to backup/sync are contacts, messages, notes, and calendar, because these are hard or impossible to replace if they get lost.
The free version of bloove is limited to 100 messages (not enough) and only 15 contacts (totally inadequate).
Did you notice how the bloove faq and feature list doesn't mention the word "calendar" at all?
Yes, calendar is not supported. But archive limits do not mean that it's not possible to backup ALL contacts and sms. It means that you can't have these items on server only (removed on the phone).
Ok, anyway, thank you for your opinion.
What a sad thing that these incompetent engineers will eventually destroy Trolltech Qt image too. 225 MB RAM for an application doing nothing at all and they brag about using Qt.
Don't be fooled, the real Qt is at Linux/KDE 4, they (Nokia) misunderstood and used the Qt in worst way possible just like they wasted Webkit.
PS: Restore from Backup to N96 connected via dedicated USB 2 port took 7 hours until WE GAVE UP. Yes, we gave up the restore session and figured it got locked up at some stage like SMS.
Have you stopped writing your articles man? Seemed like the last update was ages ago...
I'm in Brazil without a Symbian phone. Will be back home in January, and then I'll attack Symbian apps again :)
Yes, man, we miss your articles! And how on earth can you leave your home without at least one Symbian device in your back pocket?! :P Anyway, I hope you have a great time in Brazil! :)
Greetings from Slovenia!
I brought one, but it died when I accidentally made it swim in a river so now I'm stuck with my backup phone from the stone ages.
Your blog is amazing ! you must continue it - its got the real spirit in it - and after Brazil you are probably fully refreshed and ready to write !
Hope you start writing again soon.
here is a nice free sky map app for you ppl in the meantime :
Long time no post!
where are you!? Are you OK?
Hey man, are you back yet? I miss your reviews. Hope you're ok though.
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